If you’re like many consumers, you may be aware of the risks and disadvantages that come with using traditional payday loan services. With a traditional payday loan, you receive your loan and then typically have two weeks to pay back everything you borrowed, plus interest, and finance charges! Paying all of this money back at once can be problematic for your budget! If you don’t have the funds available to do so, you end up getting charged high penalties. This makes payday loans a bit risky for your finances.

Unlike traditional payday loans, online Installment Loans from Post Lake Lending offer more flexible repayment options while still providing the loan when you need it.

The advantages of an online Installment Loan versus a traditional payday loan:

  • • You pay back the loan over time, instead of with one expensive repayment;
  • • You can prepay the loan ANY TIME without any penalty;
  • • Additional payment options are available if you choose not to use the direct debit system;
  • • Fixed loan payments are generally easier to anticipate and manage.

You also enjoy the same advantages you get from traditional payday loans:

  • • Get pre-qualified online;
  • • Loan funds go directly to your bank account;
  • • No faxing documents;
  • • Safe, secure, confidential online application.

We verify applicants' credit information using national databases. You can complete the loan process by creating an account and submitting your application online.

**Post Lake Lending’s loans are usually funded by Automated Clearing House (ACH) electronic crediting directly to your bank account. ACH transfers that are completed by 2:00 pm CST will usually be available the next business day. Unavoidable delays that occur as a result of bank holidays, the processing schedule of your individual bank, inadvertent processing errors, "acts of God", and/or "acts of terror " may extend the time for the deposit and may cause a change in the Disbursement Date.

Post Lake Lending is a Native American business owned and operated by the Tribe; a federally recognized sovereign Indian nation (the "Tribe") that adheres to federal consumer financial protection laws and operates within the boundaries of the Tribe's reservation. Post Lake Lending abides by all applicable federal laws, regulations, and tribal law as established by the Tribe.

This is an expensive form of borrowing. Post Lake Lending Installment Loans are designed to assist you in meeting your short-term borrowing needs and are not intended to be a long term financial solution. Post Lake Lending never charges any prepayment penalties on partial or complete repayments. Prompt repayment of your loan will reduce the costs associated with borrowing and is strongly recommended by Post Lake Lending.

Credit products obtained through this website are not available to residents of all states and state availability may change from time to time without notice. Currently, residents of Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin are not eligible for a loan from Post Lake Lending.